Journalists Memorial annual dedication

Newseum, Washington DC, 14 May 2012

Tim Hetherington and other journalists who died in 2011 were added to the tragic roll of honour dedicated to those who were killed in the course of their work.

The Journalists Memorial at Washington's Newseum is a powerful representation of the risks faced by those who work to keep us informed about events in the world. Etched into a glass wall that reaches over 20 feet into the air the memorial records the names of just some of the many who have died in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding.  Every year the Newseum rededicates the memorial adding new names to the tragic toll that extends back over 100 years.  At this year's dedication on Monday 8th June fourteen more names were added, a representative sample of reporters, editors and fearless journalists from around the world, but only a few of those who died last year.

Check out the online searchable gallery of names listed in the Journalists Memorial and be sure to visit the Newseum if you're in Washington to experience the power of the soaring glass memorial and to pay respects to the extraordinary people who help shape our understanding of the world.